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Veerbhadrasana 2 or warrior pose 2:- Benefits:- This aasana is great to strengthen the muscles in your back, thighs, abdomen  and also helps you with weight loss. →Avoid this pose if you suffer from diarrhea or high blood pressure.
Steps to do this pose:- 
1)Follow the same steps as Veerbhadrasana I, but instead of raising your hands above your head twist your torso so you face sideways and raise your hands to either sides (so your fingers are extended and are parallel to your extended right and left leg). Now, turn your head so your eyes are facing in the same direction as your right hand. Repeat this posture for the other leg as well. (y)

Veerbhadrasana 2 or warrior pose 2:- Benefits:- This aasana is great to strengthen the muscles in your back, thighs, abdomen and also helps you with weight loss. →Avoid this pose if you suffer from diarrhea or high blood pressure. Steps to do this pose:- 1)Follow the same steps as Veerbhadrasana I, but instead of raising your hands above your head twist your torso so you face sideways and raise your hands to either sides (so your fingers are extended and are parallel to your extended right and left leg). Now, turn your head so your eyes are facing in the same direction as your right hand. Repeat this posture for the other leg as well. (y)

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